LAY-BY Policy
- Lay-By is offered in-stores only
- 20% of the initial deposit of the purchase total must be paid on the starting date of the Lay-By period. This deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE
- The Lay-By must be paid in full within 3 (three) months of the initial deposit
- Eye Trend will terminate the Lay-By agreement if full payment has not been received within three (3) months of the initial deposit
- Payment made cannot be refunded if purchaser terminates the Lay-By agreement
- Eye Trend will not order lenses until have of the total payment has been received
- Prescription lenses (non-stock lenses) cannot be changed once the lenses have been ordered
- Until full payment has been made, lenses will not be cut (fitted into frames).
- Goods may not be collected until they are paid in full
- Refunds apply to Lay-By items only if goods are faulty or not fit for their purpose
- Refunds do not apply if you simply change your mind, decide that you do not like the purchase, find them for cheaper somewhere else or have no use for them.
- Feel free to contact Eye Trend if you have any queries or concerns. If we cannot resolve your concerns, you may contact the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs at (03) 9627 6000.